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just for fun...

just for fun...

Old people are rich : they have silver in their hair, gold in their teeth, stones in their kidneys, steel in their knees, lead in their feet, iron in their knuckles, sugar in their blood, and gas in their stomach.

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1) Do the little quizz! Show it to your teacher. When it's OK, go to question 2! 2) Complete your map: link 3) List the provinces in alphabetical order in your copybook. 4) Click on link and color the flag. 5) Read link and answer the questions on your...

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Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl

Etape 1: Clique sur le lien ci-dessous, lis attentivement le sommaire et relève les informations necessaires pour complèter la fiche d'identité de Roald Dahl link Etape 2: clique sur ce lien puis complète la fiche en anglais link Etape 3: complète le...

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